
You will need Nexus Personal software to read your e-certificates with the card reader

When you log onto a website via an e-certificate card you insert the card into the card reader and the Nexus software in your computer reads the data. Installing the software is relatively easy.

Here you can download Nexus Personal for the following operating systems:
Windows 32 bit: Nexus Personal version 4.25.4
Windows 64 bit: Nexus Personal version 4.25.4
Mac: Nexus Personal version 4.25.4
Linux x86: Nexus Personal version 4.25.4
Linux x84-64: Nexus Personal version 4.25.4

This is how you install the Nexus software for Windows (see here for Mac): 

  1. First download the Nexus software for you operating system. 
  2. Choose "Save As" and save the installation file to your computer.
  3. Double click the installation file at the download location and let it run. Use the default settings. 
  4. When the program is installed and running, the Nexus Personal icon should be visible on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. 
  5. In some instances the computer may need to be restarted after installation.

If you have problems with the installation, our service center is open working days from 9 to 17. You can also call our help number 530 0000 or send us a message during closed hours. 

Here are instructions that deal with the most common user problems.
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