Auðkenni app is a new generation of electronic ID!

Auðkenni app replaces the traditional electronic ID on a SIM card.


All you need is an internet connection!

When you have electronic ID in the Auðkenni app, you no longer need to rely on a phone connection to authenticate and sign on the web.

Obtain electronic ID through self-reg­istrati­on, wherever you are in the world!

To use the self-registration, you must have a valid Icelandic passport, access to a mobile or smart device with NFC support, and be at least 18 years old. You can also obtain electronic ID through the Auðkenni app at all registration authorities.

See how easy it is to use the self-registration!

You can also obtain electronic ID in the Auðkenni app at the nearest reg­istration autho­rity

Then you bring an approved personal ID and receive electronic iD in the Auðkenni app. To expedite the process, it is best if you download the Auðkenni app before you arrive on site.

See locations

This is how you use the Auðkenni app


Select the Auðkenni app in the login window

on the service provider's web


Enter your social security number

not your phone number


Note the information to confirm.

either text or a sequence of numbers


Auðkenni app opens

or select the app to open it


Confirm the information displayed.

by entering your PIN-1 number


Your area at the service provider opens

Remember to log out when you have finished

Sæktu Auðkennisappið!

Fyrir Android í Google Play eða fyrir IOS í App Store

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Virka daga 10-16
Þjónustuverið er opið virka daga 8-18 og laugardaga 10-18

KT. 521000-2790 — VSK nr. 69345